Michigan Department of Education Office of Special Education (MDE OSE) has released the following guidance for Evaluations and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs):
- Eligibility and Social Maladjustment Clarification (November 2020)
- Evaluation Requirements – Part B Eligibility provides guidance for district and ISD personnel to evaluate and identify students for special education and related services following the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE). (March 2022)
- Guidance for Timeline of Initial Evaluations for Students who are Parentally Place in Private Schools (January 2025)
- Independent Educational Evaluation Guidance (November 2023)
- Initial Evaluation Process
- Question and Answer Document: Implementing the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education R 340.1708 – Visual Impairment: A new Q&A document was recently created to answer questions on implementing the updated rule. This document was developed by the Michigan Department of Education – Low Incidence Outreach in collaboration with the Office of Special Education and Office of Great Start.
- Special Education Reevaluation Process (PDF) (November 2020)
- Extended School Year Guidance (May 2024)
- FAPE for Adult Learners This document provides information regarding the implementation, as it pertains to adult learners, of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL), and Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE). Specifically, the information discussed includes FAPE, child find, delivery of programs and services, navigating multiple systems, and funding. (August 2022)
- FAPE in the County Jail (August 2022)
- Least Restrictive Environment: Nonacademic Settings (December 2023)
- Least Restrictive Environment: The Requirements Package (October 2023)
- Individualized Education Program Development: Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)
- Individualized Education Program (IEP) Development: Special Education Programs and Services This guidance document’s purpose is to support the development of an IEP based on the unique needs of the student which are described in the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP). (May 2022)
- Individualized Education Program (IEP) Development: Supplementary Aids and Services provides an overview of the relevant federal and state regulations as well as appropriate documentation and implementation of supplementary aids and services. (November 2020)
- McKinney-Vento and IDEA
- Measurable Annual Goals and Short-Term Objectives
- Measurable Annual Goals and Short-Term Objectives—Substantive Compliance
- Should My Student Take the Alternate Assessment?
- Understanding the Requirements for Appointing a Surrogate Parent Webinar