- Log in to Catamaran using your username and password
- There are two ways to access the CEIS Monitoring activity
Access the CEIS Monitoring Activity
- Access your Finance Tasks Overview by clicking on See Open Activities on the Finance
- From there, use the Release dropdown and Type dropdown to filter the tasks overview.
- Click on the Activity link (e.g. B-CEIS Monitoring)

- Select Finance as your primary search criteria in the Section field
- Select B-CEIS Oct2018 as your secondary search in the Finance Type field
- Click Search
Review search results and click on the Activity link in the appropriate CEIS Monitoring Activity.
Complete the CEIS Monitoring Review
- From the CEIS Menu, click on the CEIS Cover Page.
- On the Cover Page, complete the CEIS Reviewer information and the District Contact information.
- To add a second District Contact, click Save. A second District Contact row will appear.
- Review the submitted district plan or the revised district plan as needed from the links on the CEIS Cover Page.
- Enter any applicable comments at this point in the process and click Save & Next.
- As Finance representatives, you may skip past entering responses on Programmatic Monitoring Questions as needed.
- Complete the Fiscal Monitoring Questions
- Use the radio buttons to answer Yes or No as needed and enter comments in the text boxes.
- Click Save & Next.
- Complete the Recommendations (MDE Only)
- Choose whether the district has implemented CEIS and enter any comments in the text box.
- Complete the Recommendation Log as needed. This log can act as a running list of comment from multiple state users. Districts are not able to see these comments.
- To add another row in the Recommendation Log, click Save and an additional row will appear.
- If the Finance team has also finished the CEIS Monitoring Visit, either type of MDE user may return to the CEIS Cover Page to finalize the CEIS activity by clicking Implement CEIS Plan at the top of the page. This will notify the district that the initial review is completed. The district can then continue their CEIS work, updating the Student Information and the Fiscal Progress Notes pages as If the CEIS Plan requires modifications, click Return Plan for Modifications. If the Student Information page and/or Fiscal Progress Notes require modifications and you would like to conduct an additional review, click Return for Additional Review.

Next Steps
Throughout the CEIS activity, districts will be prompted by Catamaran to update the Student Information and Fiscal Progress Notes pages. MDE users can view the district’s newly input information on the Student Information and Fiscal Progress Notes pages at any time.
MDE users may also access and use the Recommendations (MDE Only) page throughout the process.