This how-to is intended for ISD Directors and Monitors and explains how to complete the Tier 3 Additional Action activity in Catamaran. The Tier 3 Additional Action activity allows ISDs an opportunity to create action plans for when member districts’ participation rates in alternate assessments exceed 1% and place them in Tier 3. This activity also provides a file submission form so ISDs can provide documentation of student level file reviews.
Note: Due process complaints will continue to be managed by the Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules (MOAHR). MOAHR will correspond directly with parties involved in a due process complaint. Districts and intermediate school districts (ISDs) can use Catamaran to view documents related to a due process complaint and in the case of parent filed complaints, submit required resolution session information to MDE. The district’s Catamaran Coordinator and ISD will receive a notification via email if a due process complaint has been filed against the district.
- Log into Catamaran.
- Access the activity in one of the two following ways:
- On the Dashboard, scroll down to the Tasks Overview section. Use the filters, as needed to narrow tasks, and select the Tier 3 link in the Activity column to open the activity.

- If the activity has been completed, it will not show on the Tasks Overview. On the Dashboard, select the Search link (A) in the upper right-hand corner of the page. By the section heading, select Policy (B). Filter the search results by selecting Justification Forms (C). Next, select Tier 3 Additional Action 2025 (D). Select the Search button (E) to display results.

Review Data
MDE has provided ISDs their member district data to assist in completing this activity. ISDs can review the alternate assessment data for its member districts.
- To access the alternate assessment district data, select Reports from the dropdown menu underneath the ISD user’s name on the Dashboard (1) and select the 2024 Alternate Assessment Rate Report for ESSA 1% Participation Cap link available under the Policy header (2).

- Download the report by selecting the 2024 Alternate Assessment Rate Report link.

Tier 3 Additional Action Activity Contacts
- From the Tier 3 Additional Action Menu, select the Contact Page.

- Provide the names and positions of the people who participated in creating the Tier 3 Additional Action plan, then choose Save/Next to be taken to the next step of the activity.

Complete Tier 3 Additional Action Plan Form(s)
Districts whose assessment data identified them as Tier 3 have been placed in levels based on the data and required activities. ISDs may have up to three forms to complete.
- From the Tier 3 Additional Action Menu, select the Additional Action Form(s) link.

- On the form, review the
- Determining the Tiers section to learn more about how MDE determined the tiers,
- Flagged Student Cases (if any),
- District List for the districts in each level, and
- Required Additional Actions for each level.

- Answer the required questions to provide details regarding what actions the ISD will take with member districts, the resources that will be needed, and the evidence that will be available.

- Select Save/Next to continue to the next set of forms.

- Complete each page (up to three total) of the Tier 3 Additional Action Form.
- When all forms and questions are completed, access the Contact Page from the activity menu.

- Select Submit to MDE to notify MDE.

File Reviews
If file reviews are required, then initial File Reviews of up to eight students in up to four districts will be due on April 14, 2025. The final File Reviews of all remaining students will be due on June 30, 2025.
- When File Reviews are required, access the activity following steps 1-2.
- From the Tier 3 Additional Action Menu, select the File Review form.

Initial File Reviews
- In the Initial File Review section, select the district name from the dropdown list (A), provide a descriptive title for the file to be uploaded (B), use the Browse button to upload the file (C), then select Save (D).

- Save the page after each upload and the file will populate into the Initial File Review Table.

- When all files are uploaded, select the Submit to MDE button.

Final File Reviews
- Follow steps 17-18 using the Final File Reviews section to upload evidence of all file reviews by June 30.

Once MDE determines no modifications are required during the Final File Review, no further action is required from the ISD.
Need Additional Assistance?
For assistance in understanding how to navigate Catamaran, please contact the Catamaran Help Desk at 877-474-9023 or