Data Reporting and Determinations cover the practices which can be used to ensure valid and reliable data submission in the Michigan Student Data System and the use of data to develop Determinations.
Data Reporting and Determinations Information
The purpose of the Determinations section of this site is to provide resources to the Intermediate School Districts (ISDs) to better understand the various data elements used in Part B and Part C Determinations. Please note that many of the resource links found in this section may also be found elsewhere on the Catamaran Training Website as well as the Michigan Department of Education’s Website.
Understanding the Part B Strand Report
The Part B Strand Report shows how districts performed in comparison to targets for indicators reported in the Annual Performance Report (APR). Understanding the Part B Strand Report explains what data and calculations were used to calculate district performance.
MSDS Data Quality Video Series
This series of training videos and supporting documents are designed to provide districts and intermediate school districts (ISDs) with ways to improve data quality in the Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) for students with an individualized education program (IEP). The video content is for district personnel who input data into MSDS. However, it is helpful for special education personnel to be familiar with this information because special education personnel may be involved in reviewing and confirming the accuracy of the data prior to submission.