This resource is intended to outline the Procedure Review activity for ISDs.

When the activity opens in Catamaran, no Catamaran activity is required on the part of the ISD. The member district will be prompted to upload relevant procedures.

Once the district has uploaded relevant procedures, the district will submit the activity to the ISD.

Access the Procedure Review Activity

  1. Log in to Catamaran
  2. Access the activity in two ways:

On the Dashboard, scroll down to the Tasks Overview section. Use the filters, as needed, to narrow tasks, and select the link in the Activity column to open the Procedure Review Activity.

Dashboard showing the Tasks Overview

On the Dashboard, select the Search link in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Using the search function, choose Monitoring. Filter the search results by selecting Monitoring Visits. Next, search for the specific Procedure Review.

ISD Review of Procedures

Review District Uploads

Participating districts are required to upload written procedures in this activity. ISDs will review the uploaded documents for compliance with IDEA.

  1. From the Procedure Review Menu, open the District Upload page to access uploaded procedures.
  2. From the District Upload page, open each document by selecting the document name link.
Procedure Review District Upload page.
Note: If the district selected “Not Available”, then there will not be any procedures to review and Catamaran will populate the Procedure Review form with N/As to all questions.

Complete Procedure Review Form

  1. Review the uploaded procedures and access the Procedure Review page from the Procedure Review Menu.
  2. Review the procedures listed on the form and check the appropriate buttons under the Yes,  No, or N/A columns and complete text fields as necessary.
  • If applicable, indicate a page number and section in the Comments box for any No answers.
  1. Choose Save & Issue on the Procedure Review form. The Procedure Review form must be complete to proceed.
Note: A No answer for Meets Legal Requirements will populate the Findings Table on the Final Report Worksheet. If the district does not upload written procedures or indicate no procedures are available, the OSE will contact the district to instruct the district to complete a questionnaire about the district’s policies, procedures, and practices.
Procedure Review form

Complete the Preliminary Summary

  1. From the Procedure Review Menu, select Preliminary Summary.
  2. The district and ISD codes will be pre-populated on the form.
  3. Record the date of summary and review date(s).
  4. Enter the name and title of all members of the Procedure Review team. To add another row, select the red plus sign button.
  5. Add any additional comments in the space provided.
  6. Choose Save & Issue to:
  • Make this form available to the district.
  • Make the Final Report Worksheet available to complete next.
Procedure Review Preliminary Summary

Complete the Final Report Worksheet

The last step in the Procedure Review process is for a lead is to complete the Final Report Worksheet.

  1. Select Final Report Worksheet from the Procedure Review Menu. The district and ISD codes and date of report will be pre-populated.
  2. Record the Review Date.
  3. Enter the number of staff members, if any, the team interviewed.
  4. In the box labeled Team Leader Recommendation, select the appropriate statement to indicate the team’s recommendation of whether the district should receive a finding.
  5. Then, scroll to the bottom of the page to select the appropriate paragraph that matches the team’s recommendation of whether the district should receive a finding.
  • If the Procedure Review yielded no findings of noncompliance, then select the Save & Submit button. The worksheet is now completed.
  • If the Monitoring Review yielded findings of noncompliance, then finalize the Findings Table. This table will be prepopulated based on the selections made on the Procedure Review form.
      • Check the box in the Display column to display each row in the Final Report.
      • When complete, choose the  Save & Submit button.
Results of Procedure Review on the Final Report Worksheet.
Note: The Save & Submit button will submit the Procedure Review activity, along with the Monitoring Team’s recommendations, to the OSE for review.
Procedure Review Final Report Worksheet

What Happens Next?

The OSE will review the Procedure Review activity and Final Report Worksheet to determine whether findings should be issued or not. If non-compliance is found, then the finding(s) will be issued in the next major release of Catamaran (major releases are September, January, and May).

Need Assistance?

For assistance in understanding how to navigate Catamaran, please contact the Catamaran Help Desk at 877-474-9023 or