This guide is intended for ISD Monitors who interact with State Complaints and explains how to view, access, and respond to a State Complaint in Catamaran.
Access the Activity
- Log into Catamaran.
- Access the state complaint in one of the two following ways:
- On the Dashboard, locate the Policy tile. Scroll down to the Policy Tasks Overview Use the filters, as needed, to narrow tasks, and select the link in the Activity column to open the complaint.
- On the Dashboard, select the Search link (A) in the upper right-hand corner of the page. By the section heading, select Policy (B). Filter the search results by selecting Complaint Investigation (C). Next, search for the specific complaint (D). Select the Search button (E) to display results.
Complete ISD Response
- On the Complaints Module Menu, select the Information to District page.
- On the Complaint Information to District page, download the Intro Letter and Issues Letter by selecting the links under the Complaint Document header.
- From the Complaints Module Menu, access the District Response page.
- Provide documentation as requested from the Issues Letter by entering a document title (A), using the Browse button to upload the file (B), and select the Save button (C). These documents will populate into the Issues Documents Table.
Systemic Investigation
MDE will determine whether a complaint is systemic or not. After MDE completes the intake forms, the ISD will be notified and the systemic portion of the complaint must be completed.
- On the Complaints Module Menu, select the ISD Student List Upload link.
- On the Student Upload page, download the Student List Template (A) and fill in the columns according to the template’s formatting. Use the Browse button (B) to upload the file, then select Import Information (C) to automatically populate the table on the page. When the student file is uploaded, select Create Student List (D).
The district will be notified to confirm students still enrolled based upon the list the ISD provided. Then MDE will select from the verified list to create the Student Record Reviews (SRRs). The district will receive another notification to upload student documentation.
Resource: Document Repository
The Document Repository is a useful resource for ISDs to view all documents and letters relating to the complaint.
- From the Complaints Module Menu, select the Document Repository.
- To view a document, select the attachment link by the document name and choose Go.
Need Additional Assistance?
For assistance in understanding how to navigate Catamaran, please contact the Catamaran Help Desk at 877-474-9023 or