This training resources is intended for ISDs and will explain how to verify correction of Part C Corrective Action Plans (CAPs).

Prepare to Complete the Verification Activity

Catamaran will notify ISDs when it is time to verify evidence of correction. The system will email the ISD when the service area has requested CAP closeout and change the status to Verification and Closeout Request Submitted. At that time, the verification activity will also appear on the ISD’s Tasks Overview.

Access the CAP

  1. Log in to Catamaran.
  2. Access the CAP in two ways:
  • On the Dashboard, scroll down to the Tasks Overview section. Use the filters, as needed, to narrow tasks, and select the link in the Activity column to open the CAP.
Tasks Overview
CAPs that have been submitted to the ISD for verification will be Verification & Closeout Request Submitted.
  • On the Dashboard, select the Search link in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Using the search function, choose Monitoring. Filter the search results by selecting CAPs. Next, search for the specific CAP.

Complete the CAP Verification Page

  1. From the CAP Menu, select CAP Verification.
CAP Menu with CAP Verification link highlighted

Fast Track CAPs

  1. If a Fast Track CAP was completed, then
  • Complete the CAP Activity Verification section by selecting No from the Verified Completed? drop-down menu and
  • Insert “N/A” (or not applicable) in the space provided.
Note: Refer to the service area’s letter of findings loaded to the February reports page to determine if the CAP was a Fast Track CAP.

Regular CAPs

  1. If a regular CAP was completed, then
  • Complete the CAP Activity Verification section by indicating with a Yes or No to confirm the verification.
  • If No is selected, then provide a comment in the space provided.
Note: Beginning with the February 2021 release, local evidence for CAP activities may be provided when the service area requests verification and closeout. The ISD may review the uploaded evidence in the CAP Activity Verification section of the CAP Verification Activity page.
CAP Activity Verification

Review CAP Verification Memo and Data

  1. Download and read the CAP Verification Activity Memo and Data available on the CAP Verification Activity page located under the Data Verification through New Data Submission section.
Data Verification through Data Submission
Note: The CAP Verification Activity Memo and Data Report will be posted in the September release of Catamaran and will also be made available on the service area’s September reports page.

Data Verification through Child Record Reviews

Data verification through Child Record Reviews will be completed by reviewing a random sample of child records selected by the ISD’s assigned MDE Consultant for documentation of compliance. Before beginning this section, contact the MDE Consultant for further instructions.

Upload Supporting Documents to verify CAP Activities

The ISD and/or TA Specialist should upload supporting documentation—to show evidence of compliant child records and activities.

  1. Upload any supporting documentation for the verification of the CAP activities. To do this, select the Browse button. Multiple documents may be uploaded if necessary.
Browse Upload Button
Note: Additional documentation for completion of CAP activities may also be uploaded on the CAP Verification page by the person with the ISD Monitor role in Catamaran if that person is available to assist with this activity. If ISD Monitor is not available to assist, contact the MDE Early On® Consultant assigned to the ISD for further assistance.
  1. Enter additional notes as needed to document the verification process in the provided space. These notes are optional.
Verification Notes

Submit the Verification Activity

  1. After completing the instructions for a Fast Track or Regular CAP, save the verification activity and choose the Submit Verification button at the top of the activity page to submit it to MDE.
Submit Verification Button

What if the MDE Returns the Verification Activity to the ISD?

When the MDE has questions about the verification activity, the CAP may be returned to the ISD and ISDs will be notified via email. The activity will show on the ISD’s Tasks Overview and the status will be Closeout Request Returned to ISD.

Notes from the MDE will be documented on the CAP Cover Page. Review comments and address any concerns. The ISD will then need to review, make any necessary corrections, and re-submit the CAP to MDE. The status will then be Closeout Request Resubmitted to MDE.