This resource is intended to outline the steps to complete the Response Plan activity in Catamaran.

Access the Activity

  1. Log in to Catamaran
  2. Access the Response Plan in two ways:
    • On the Dashboard, scroll down to the Tasks Overview section. Use the filters, as needed, to narrow tasks, and click on the link in the Activity column to open the activity.
    • On the Dashboard, click the Search link in the upper right-hand corner of the page. Using the search function, choose Monitoring. Filter the search results by selecting Monitoring Visits to access the B-Response Plan.
Tasks Overview at Needs to be Completed

Review Resources

Before completing the Response Plan, the ISD should review the Resources provided in the activity such as the notification letter available on the Response Plan Documents page as well as visiting Wayne State University website for a more detailed display of the ISD’s data.

Response Plan Menu Resources

Complete Response Plan

  1. On the Response Plan Menu, select the Response Plan link under the Forms heading.
Response Plan Menu
  1. Complete the Response Plan and choose Save or Save/Next to progress to the next section of the form.
Note: To navigate back and forth between sections, use the navigation menu on the left.
Response Plan form showing Left-navigation
Note: The text editor tool is provided for all sections of the response plan. With this tool, the ISD may access light formatting such as bold, italics, underline, as well as the ability to have ordered and unordered lists.
text editor box
  1. Complete each section of the response plan. The Response Plan is organized into separate sections with questions related to the following areas:
  • Contacts
  • Data Use & Root Cause
  • Targeted Area(s)
  • Response Plan Design
Note: The information provided on the Targeted Area(s) page is for the ISD to consider and determine the member districts that should be targeted with this Response Plan. The ISD may select a sub-set of member districts on the Targeted Area(s) page to focus in the Response Plan.
  1. It is recommended to review all sections of the Response Plan prior to submitting to MDE. To complete the review, download the Response Plan by either,
  • Selecting the Download Response Plan button within the form or
Download Response Plan button
  • Selecting the Response Plan Download link from the menu
Response Plan Menu showing Response Plan Download link.

Navigation notes

Access spell check by clicking the Spell Check link at the top of the page. The spell check feature functions within each field/cell of text currently being completed.
spell check
To return to the menu, click on the breadcrumbs at the top of the page.

Submit the Response Plan

The Response is due to the MDE by August 1. The due date is displayed in the deadline column of the Tasks Overview as well as the progress bar on the Response Plan Menu.

The MDE will review Response Plan. If any concerns are identified, MDE will return the Response Plan to the ISD. ISDs should check the MDE comment box on the Response Plan Design page for additional information.

  1. Access the Response Plan activity by selecting B-Response Plan on the Tasks Overview.
isd clarification
  1. Verify that each section of the Response Plan has been completed.
  2. If necessary, provide additional comments or notes in the ISD Clarification box.
ISD Clarification
  1. Submit the Response Plan to the MDE for review by choosing the Save & Submit button at the top of the page.
Response Plan Design Save and Submit
The Response Plan is now complete and submitted! Once the MDE accepts the Response Plan, the activity will be at the Approved – PR Required status. The ISD should continue implementing its response plan and submit the progress report no later than December 1.

Note: If the ISD receives a page error while submitting the Response Plan, this means that one or more questions was not completed. Follow the instructions in the page error to complete the question(s) as needed.

If the MDE returns the Response Plan, update the form, and then resubmit (following steps 7-10). The new status will be Resubmitted to MDE for Review.

Complete the Progress Report

The Response Plan Progress Report is due to the MDE on December 1. The MDE will review the Response Plan Progress Reports. If concerns are identified, the progress report will be returned for modifications.

  1. Access the Response Plan activity by selecting B-Response Plan on the Tasks Overview. The Response Plan will be at the status Approved – PR Required.
Tasks Overview - Approved - PR Required
  1. Choose the Progress Report link under the Progress and Closeout heading on the Response Plan Menu.
Response Plan Menu Progress Report
  1. Complete the progress report by providing progress notes for each member district’s activity/program described in the program design and then rate the ISD’s agreement for the remaining questions while providing additional comments as needed and then Save the page.
Progress Report form
Upload optional supporting documentation for each activity/program description using the provided browse button.
  1. Submit the progress report to the MDE for review by choosing the Submit PR button at the top of the page.
Submit PR button

The progress report is now completed and submitted! Once the MDE accepts the progress report, the status will be Implement Plan. If the MDE returns the progress report, update the form, and resubmit (following steps 11-14). The new status will be, PR Resubmitted to MDE for Review.

Request Closeout

When requesting closeout of the Response Plan, ISDs must submit evidence that activities and/or programs outlined in the Response Plan have been completed.

  1. Access the Response Plan by choosing the B-Response Plan activity on the Tasks Overview. The Response Plan will be at the status Implement Plan.
Tasks Overview at Implement Plan status
  1. Choose the Request for Closeout link under the Progress and Closeout heading on the Response Plan Menu.
Response Plan Menu Request for Closeout
  1. Complete the form by providing evidence notes for each member district’s activity/program described in the program design while uploading any supporting evidence for each described item and then Save the page.
Request for Closeout Form
  1. Submit the closeout request by choosing the Request Closeout button at the top of the page.
Request Closeout Button

Still Need Help?

  • For questions about system navigation or accessing this activity, contact the Catamaran Help Desk by email (, phone (877-474-9023) or by using the Chat feature within Catamaran. The Catamaran Help Desk is available Monday–Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm.
  • For other questions concerning the Response Plan, email Aaron Darling at