This training resource is for TA Providers and will explain the purpose, how to access, and how to complete TA notes in Catamaran.
What are the purpose of TA Notes?
For each Corrective Action Plan (CAP) or Toolkit issued in Catamaran, the Office of Special Education (OSE) has provided a TA Notes page available on each CAP menu. The purpose is to keep a comprehensive record of the technical assistance provided to a district so that OSE can document that the local has been provided assistance.
OSE requests that the TA Notes page be kept up to date by the TA provider. The TA provider uses this page to document all contact with the district including CAP development, progress report notes, and updates on the activities of the CAP. The TA Notes page is a documentation forum for both the work of the district on their CAP and the work of the TA provider for billing purposes.
How Do I Access TA Notes?
- Access the CAP from your Task Overview, Monitoring Tasks Overview, or the Search function. Click on the CAP link in the Activity column.
- On the CAP Menu, click on the TA Notes link.