This page is intended for those districts which have been issued a finding of noncompliance from a Monitoring review and will be completing a CAP.

Access the CAP

  1. Log into Catamaran.
Note: Reports must be acknowledged before tasks will populate on the Tasks Overview. For information about acknowledging reports, access the training resource, How to View and Acknowledge Reports.
  1. Access the Monitoring Review CAP in one of the two following ways:
  • On the Dashboard, scroll down to the Tasks Overview Use the filters, as needed to narrow tasks, and select the link in the Activity column to open the CAP.
Tasks Overview is shown with circle around B-10 CAP Activity.
  • On the Dashboard, select the Search link (A) in the upper right-hand corner of the page. By the section heading, select Monitoring (B). Filter the search results by selecting CAPs (C). Next, search for the specific CAP (D). Select the Search button (E) to display results.
Search feature shown with B-10 CAP selected.

Complete the CAP

The intermediate school district (ISD) can assist in the selection of members for the review and analysis process (RAP) Team. Work with the RAP Team to analyze the problem that led to the noncompliance and to develop and complete the CAP.

When determining the root cause or underlying problems that caused the noncompliance, focus on district policies, procedures, and practices, or the lack of supports that contributed to the results.

  • What changes could correct or improve the problem?
  • How can those changes be implemented (e.g., revision of policies or procedures, professional development to change practices, creation of new supports for staff or students)?

When writing a CAP, include as many details as possible about:

  • The exact activities that will be performed
  • Who is responsible for those activities
  • Milestone events and dates of completion

This evidence will be used to judge the effectiveness of the CAP for progress reporting.

Realistic goals and benchmarks should be set regarding areas of correction. CAPs should be SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. In many cases, district policies, procedures, and/or practices that contributed to the noncompliance will need to be changed and evidence of this change must be included in a CAP.

  1. From the CAP Menu, select the CAP Cover Page link to begin the activity.
B-10 CAP Menu shown with arrow towards CAP Cover Page.
  1. Complete the required fields on the CAP Cover Page and choose Save/Next.
B-10 CAP Cover Page with arrow towards Name, position, and date fields. Circle around Save/Next button.
Note: At least two full rows for the RAP Team need to be completed to continue the CAP process.
  1. Next, complete the required fields on the CAP Finding Page and choose the Save & Submit button to finalize the CAP and submit it to MDE for review.
CAP Finding Page with circle around Save & Submit button.
  • If there is more than one finding, then use the dropdown menu (on the righthand side of the Finding Page) to access another finding.
  • Select the finding, complete the page, and choose Save and Submit to finalize the CAP and submit it to MDE for review.
Note: Once a CAP is written, districts will submit it to MDE for review. The CAP will be reviewed by a team of state-level reviewers on an indicator-by-indicator basis. MDE will either accept the CAP or return it with comments for modifications. A CAP must be resubmitted until it is approved.
Note: To review a PDF of the CAP before submitting to MDE, select the Download CAP Summary link on the CAP Menu.
Arrow towards Download CAP Summary link on the CAP Menu.

Navigation notes

Access spell check by selecting the Spell Check link at the top of the page. The spell check feature functions within each field/cell of the text that is currently being completed.
Navigate to the next form by selecting the Save/Next button at the top of the page. To return to the previous form, select the Back button.
Select the breadcrumbs link at the top of the page to return to the menu.
CAP Finding Page with circles around the buttons, and arrow towards breadcrumbs link and Spell Check link.

Implement CAP Activities

Begin implementing CAP activities once the CAP is submitted. Because the CAP time frame is short, any noncompliance should be corrected as soon as possible. It is not necessary to wait for MDE approval to begin CAP activities.

When implementing the CAP, follow the steps and activities outlined in the plan. It may be necessary to periodically meet with those responsible for implementation to ensure that activities are under way and being executed correctly. RAP Team members should be updated on progress.

Complete the Progress Report

The CAP Progress Report is due to MDE on a timely basis. The schedule for Progress Report submission is available in the Catamaran Due Dates document located under the Events and Deadlines section on the home page of the Catamaran Technical Assistance Website.

MDE will review all progress reports for evidence of progress and accept the reports. If any concerns are identified, then MDE will return the progress report to the district. Districts should check the MDE comment box on the progress report for additional information.

  1. Access the CAP by following steps 1-2. The CAP will be at the Approved – PR Required status.
Tasks Overview with circle around Approved - PR Required status.
  1. From the CAP Menu, select the Progress Report link.
Link towards Progress Report link on the CAP Menu.
  1. Complete the Progress Report by providing the following:
    • Insert Progress Notes for each CAP activity step listed.
    • Rate agreement with each statement by responding with either a Yes or No.
    • Provide additional information as appropriate in the comment boxes.
    • Upload requested documentation to demonstrate evidence of correction using the provided Browse button.
Arrows pointing towards Progress Notes and Comment boxes, Yes and No radio buttons, and the Browse button on the Progress Report.
Note: If revised policies and/or procedures are included in the corrective action and not uploaded to the Progress Report, the Progress Report will not be approved.
  1. Submit the Progress Report to MDE for review by choosing the Submit PR button at the top of the page.
Circle around Submit PR button on the Progress Report page.

Note: The Progress Report is now completed and submitted. Once MDE accepts the Progress Report, the CAP’s status will be Implement CAP.

Note: If MDE returns the Progress Report, then update the form, and resubmit. The new status will be PR Resubmitted to MDE for Review.

Request CAP Closeout

Before requesting closeout of a CAP, districts must be prepared to provide supporting evidence to demonstrate CAP activities have been completed and any updated policies, procedures, and/or practices have been implemented to correct all noncompliance (student-level and systemic).

  1. Access the CAP by following steps 1-2. The CAP will be at the Implement CAP status.
Tasks Overview shown with circle around Implement CAP status.
  1. From the CAP Menu, select the Request for Verification & Closeout link.
Arrow towards Request for Verification & Closeout link on the CAP Menu.
  1. Complete the Request Verification and Closeout of Findings form by doing the following:
    • Insert Evidence Notes for each CAP activity Finding and Step # listed.
    • Upload Supporting Evidence using the provided Browse buttons (optional). Select the Finding and Step # from the provided drop-down menus for each CAP activity step.
  1. Submit the closeout request to the ISD by choosing the Request Verification button at the top of the page.
Circle around Request Verification and Browse buttons, as well as an arrow towards the Evidence Notes on the Request Verification and Closeout of Findings page.
Note: Part B ISD Monitors may return the verification request to the district for additional work. After receiving the system notification alerting the district the activity has been returned, review the ISD’s comments and make the necessary corrections. Once all corrections have been made, resubmit the closeout request to the ISD.

Verification and Closeout Next Steps

After completing CAP activities and correcting all noncompliance, the verification of correction process begins. There are two prongs of verification of correction required by the OSEP and implemented by MDE:

  • Prong 1: The district has corrected each individual case of noncompliance; and
  • Prong 2: The district is correctly implementing the specific regulatory requirements (i.e., has achieved 100% compliance), based on the State’s review of updated data.

Depending upon the activity and indicator, verification activities may be completed by MDE staff, ISD, or TA providers and may include:

  • A review of updated policies, procedures, or practices
  • A review of student records
  • A review of the results of student/child record reviews, or evidence that training or technical assistance was obtained
  • A review of new data submitted through the State data systems
  • Interviews of district staff
Note: District staff may be asked to assist in this process but will not have any additional work to complete in Catamaran.

Based on this review, MDE will establish the district is correctly implementing the specific statutory or regulatory requirements and the identified noncompliance has been corrected. Once evidence of correction can be verified, MDE will notify the district, close the CAP, and issue a closeout report in the next Catamaran release.

Need Additional Assistance?

For assistance in understanding how to navigate Catamaran, please contact the Catamaran Help Desk at 877-474-9023 or